Monday, November 16, 2009

Sometimes running from the problem seems like the best option...

I have been following American politics on and off from abroad for the last 2 years. And I have to say that this op-ed in the NYT describes an example of the most infuriating aspects of 'politics' in the states. (And I must add, the most embarassing part of being an American living abroad.) i.e. people blatantly lying and saying stupid things based on these lies. C'mon people, stop - you're embarassing yourself and you're embarassing me!


  1. I can't believe you read the NYT! All lies! Did you know it's actually published by Satan himself?

  2. Read Peggy Noonan's recent pieces in the WSJ. She's got them pegged for what they are.
    I also found this.
    I think I'll never vote for an incumbent again. Nobody in DC is good enough at what they do to deserve 20-40 years in the place, and even if they were they need to see how the rest of the country lives. I wish I could get hired at their income level, produce the 3rd grade level trash they do and be basically guaranteed a job for the length of my term.

  3. Didn't you flee and go to Canada?

  4. Yeah. That's why I said sometimes it feels it like the best option is just to run away. Although I guess it's a trade-off: live in the states immersed in a high level of political stupidity, or live abroad where you hear less about it, but get ridiculed for being associated with it...
