Saturday, January 8, 2011

O Tannenbaum, O tannenbaum

We finally got our Christmas tree out of the house on Wednesday night. Thank goodness because it was really starting to feel cramped in our little living room....and because I think the thing was a fire hazard. When Dave took it out front, he said it weighed about 4lbs...and it was a 6' tree. Real dry. Anyway, I had heard on the news that in the month of January, you could put your tree out with your regular garbage and the city would pick it up. So we put it out Wednesday night so it would disappear with our garbage on Thursday morning.

Well lo and behold, we walk our of our house on Thursday morning to find an empty garbage can and our dried out Christmas tree, looking as trashy as ever in front of our house. I don't know why they didn't pick it up. Very annoying. So we figured we would have to harass Dave's dad to come by and pick it up in his pick-up (appropriately named) and take it to whereever you take dead Christmas trees (the dump?). BUT lo and behold, we walked out of our house today and the tree was gone! Yay! But where did it go, you ask? Well as I mentioned in the post below it is super windy today and was all night. But up and down the street I looked and no Christmas tree was to be seen. Oh well.

As we were driving out of our neighborhood, we spotted it, in the front yard our our neighbors about 6 houses down. Is it terrible that I laughed and left it there?


  1. Is it bad that I probably would have done the same thing? That's hilarious. Okay, I would have done the same thing as long as I knew that it was going to get picked up and chipped.

    Tom pulled a tree out of the dumpster earlier this week and tied it to the roof of his car to take to the brush pile at work - slightly mortifying (good thing it was late at night), and hugely nerdy but I probably would have done it too if I had spotted it.

  2. Update on the tree: it is still in the neighbor's front yard. Maybe they like it there. The way it's facing does kind of make it look like an intentionally-placed bush.

  3. I somehow missed that you had posted! That's hilarious. I have been tempted to take other people's garbage before and recycle it (come to think of it, I have taken stuff before and then posted it on craigslist or freecycle. Does that make me as nerdy as Tom?

  4. This recycling streak seems to run quite deep in some of us. I think I'd have left the tree there too. If it doesn't get picked up there, it wasn't going to get picked up at your house either. By the way, our tree, which was beautiful! is lying in the snow in our front yard. I am still seeing piles of Christmas trees so if we put it out it may still get recycled. Taking stuff and posting it on craigslist and freecycle? That's taking recycling to a much higher level. I should talk, the custodian at work came to me with a big wad of brown packing paper and asked if I wanted it. In spite of the looks from other teachers, I said yes and took it. We're covering the tables with it for art projects.
