Wednesday, February 15, 2012

House photos

Some photos of our house, 'cause I know you are just DYING to know what our house looks like all not-decorated and without further ado (I have to admit that word looks very strange to me now - in French ado is short for adolescent so you can imagine the pronunciation. Or not. Whatever)

First up is Thomas' room.

His dresser is not actually black. It just appears so in this photo.These photos are totally out of order and I am too lazy to fix it. Sorry.
This is the downstairs hallway. The door on the left at the end of the hallway is the bathroom door. The stairs are on the right. The backyard is straight ahead :)
This is our bedroom. Notice the lack of bedskirt. Oh well. Not much to say about that...
Looking at our bedroom window from our bed. It's actually a pretty long room. But it's also narrow (see photo above...). The white chair used to be in our living room, but it got relocated to make room for our Christmas tree and never made it back downstairs.
This is our closet. Exciting, I know. Isn't it great that we have 2 rods AND a dresser in there? Also, I put a $5 light in there, so it's not a complete black hole. Yay! Normally this dresser is covered in clothes.
This is the guest room/office. And by office, I mean a tiny desk with a computer on it. That is all.

Also, some of Thomas' toys live in here.
The futon is obviously folded up in this photo. The paints are from Haiti (3) and Greece (1).
Ok that's where our tour ends. One day, this kitchen might be clean enough for me to take a photo of it!


  1. What a cute place! I love it. Great lighting btw ;)

  2. I wonder if any room in our house would be clean enough to take a photo of and post it. I doubt it. It looks really nice. Hope to see it in June.
