Monday, November 16, 2009

Check out The Balcon!

So excited to announce that my dear friend Emily's website of beautiful wedding dresses is finally up and running! Yay! And she even named one of the dresses Rachel. Check it out!

Oh and did I mention that she made my wedding dress and fabulous faux fur cloak?!

Sometimes running from the problem seems like the best option...

I have been following American politics on and off from abroad for the last 2 years. And I have to say that this op-ed in the NYT describes an example of the most infuriating aspects of 'politics' in the states. (And I must add, the most embarassing part of being an American living abroad.) i.e. people blatantly lying and saying stupid things based on these lies. C'mon people, stop - you're embarassing yourself and you're embarassing me!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day in Banff

To celebrate Dave finishing his first unit (first of 7), we went to Banff for a night and day. Now, I'm pretty sure that I'll always be an east coast girl, but living less than an hour from this is pretty nice. More photos on facebook.