Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pyramid Scheme Rant

Alright, let's just put it out there. I HATE pyramid schemes! Here are my reasons why:

1. Often the products involved are not the best - otherwise why wouldn't they just follow the normal route of being sold in major stores? Hmmm??
2. I HATE these pyramid scheme parties. It's not a party. Let's just call it what it is. You're trying to get me to buy something so you can make a buck. Under the guise of being my friend. What a load. If I want to buy something, I will hop in my car, drive to the store (yes this is life in Calgary) and BUY it. Without the jacked up price of paying a toll to all the people that came before you in the scheme.
3. The focus of any pyramid scheme, and the thing that draws suckers in is money. Like that is the only benefit you gain from joining up. In my opinion, if all your 'job' (if you can even call it that with these things) can give you is money, you're missing the point of life.
4. They are all 'get rich quick' schemes where hard work is not only not valued, it is actually laughed at and looked down upon.

This leads me to say, what is WRONG with the world?!

And that's my rant for the day. I may have to continue it tomorrow...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back in Black

..or should I say Calgary. I just thought the 'back in black' line was catchy. We arrived back in Calgary 1 week ago. Or I should say, we should have arrived a week ago. Instead we arrived about 7 hours shy of a week ago. After a VERY long day in transit which involved dropping off a playpen during an expensive cab ride (one of Dave's pet peeves), delayed flights, missed connections [Craigslist anyone?], meeting up with friends in the T. (read T-dot) and getting home too late to get any food at the grocery store, we finally arrived HOME! Which inspired me to write a '101 reasons I'm glad we're home'. I'm not sure if I'll actually make it to 101, but I'll see how far I get. However, I was VERY sad to leave the east coast where I have lots of friends and family and so much to see and do.

In other news, our neighbors across the street, who were either running a brothel or a drug ring, have been evicted. It's much quieter around here these days. And lastly, for those who are interested to know, our Christmas tree is no longer in our neighbors' front yard. I have no idea how they got rid of it.

More to come on our recipe book and 101 list.