Friday, August 28, 2009

1 month since we left Scotland

It's hard to believe, but one month and one day ago, Dave and I (with help from Dave's parents and Shalea - thank you!) were furiously cleaning every last surface of our house with a toothbrush...and many other implements. I've never seen a rental property so clean. And the next day (between 3 and 5 in the morning) we left.

Here we are walking up Arthur's Seat for the last time. And yes, Dave is wearing a kilt.

I will have to post more about all the fun we had cleaning and moving back across the pond. But it's late. So for now, goodnight.


  1. What are you wearing around your necks? Backstage passses for the bagpipe concert?

  2. Pretty much! They are our VIP passes to the Highland games (=the taber throw, many tugs-of-war, more bagpipers than you've ever seen in your entire life combined, and lots of other strong-man types of competitions. I will try to post photos from it, but Dave is always studying using our laptop, which is where all our photos are...thus the lack of photos on my blog.)
