Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Fall Equinox!

Well fall has really arrived. The leaves here are quickly changing color...and all falling off. And it seems to be happening very quickly. We've had beautiful weather so far this month - much warmer than usual. This week it's supposed to get up to almost 90 again (31). Yay! But even though I'm sure it'll be getting cold soon enough, I've decided fall is pretty great. The leaves changing are beautiful, as are the cool days (especially when you live in a desert-y area like Calgary, so it's nearly always sunny) - and then at the end of it is my birthday, Dave's birthday, and Christmas! (not in that order). Plus, I might be able to get 2 thanksgivings this year - the benefit of being an American living in Canada. Though I must say, American Thanksgiving is far superior to Canadian. Sorry, Canada, it's true. That's what you get for putting it on a Monday.

I also have new things to look forward to. I'm starting a 4-week women's squash club at Mount Royal College/University(?) on Wednesday, which is also when I'll start driving to work. I'm also starting an interior design continuing ed class at UofC starting in October. yay!

Anyone else have anything new and/or exciting planned for the fall?


  1. New Moon is coming out 11.20.09!!!!!!

    --Oh and I'm going to Italy on the 21st of November ;)

  2. I'm just planning to age another three months.

  3. I bought a bouquet of sunflowers from the farmers' market.

  4. I knew fall had arrived when I got up this morning and it was cooler outside than it was was still over 100 this afternoon, but it wasn't 113, only 103 or 104. I also had to close one of the vents on my helmet the other night on the way home from school at 10pm because it was a little chilly. I just realized that this entire thing reads like a description of summer. I'll get back to you when fall arrives here.
